Saturday, September 03, 2005

This is a monumental disaster. Its so sad to see all the people who are hurt and hurting because of it. However, there is hope. Over 500 people have been rescued from rooftops/flooded areas. The national guard, coast guard, and other rescuers are doing great work.

I am quite annoyed by the scantimounious statements of some reporters in refrence to looters. If a person doesn't have food/water and they break into a store to get it (to survive!) why do some news reporters take that chance to condemn them? I wonder what those same reporters would do if their family was in that situation! (of course they would just sit on the sidewalk and die rather than ever steal...yeah right.)

The stores aren't losing anything as it will be declared as a loss and covered by insurance. (They wouldn't be able to sale any of the food products anyway due to health concerns.) You have to be a heartless person to say people should die, rather than steal food/water.

Far as the people who are taking tv's, and other non essential items that is not nessessary. However, when people are dying on roof tops and need to be rescued should there really be law enforcement officials arresting people for stealing Nikes???? Would they not better serve by handing out food/water and rescuing people? *sarcasm* But I is always the most important thing in life. *end sarcasm*.

Or perhaps some people want to be arressed. If they are taken into custody then they probably will get food/water.

A Walmart in one of the areas told people to take whatever they want. People were taking food/water and handing it out to others. That is what all the stores should be doing. People are always more inportant than things. Or if you want to be a greedy person, consider all the possible publicity you get from giving away free stuff to people in need.

One reporter on the scene was in a conversation with a reporter in the studio.

"Its aweful all the people looting there."

"Actually, some people got food and water and were passing it out to others. And a local walmart has told people they can take anything they want."

A different perspective from the front lines. The reporter on the scene clearly has a better sense of the realities of the situation.

On cnn they interviewed a guy that suffered through the hurricane. He said that the waters had came up so they (he, his wife and 2 children) went up on the roof. He was holding onto his wife but she had told him that he couldn't hold her and to let go and take care of the kids. He hasn't seen her since. Its so sad!

Pray for the people that were affected by this hurricane. If you don't beleive in that (or even if you do) consider donating money to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, etc.

How you can help.

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