Sunday, September 11, 2005

I Remember...

I remember where I was on Sept. 11th, 2001. I was watching the Today Show. Things seemed unreal; the first plane everyone thought was some bad aviation accident. But later there was another plane. And the buildings fell. We all knew the truth of what had happened and the nation was in a state of collective shock.

We learned of heros; men and women who had risked - in most cases lost - their lives to save others.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
John 15:13

There are heros in this country. We are still the 'city on a hill' that reagan spoke of. Hold your head high as an american.

Next time you hear someone downing our country, next time you hear someone complain about how terrorists/prisoners are treated, point them to the 2 towers that fell.

The Flag Still Waves

In gorey days
The flag still waves,
In our darkest hour
We call on a higher power,
American will bend and carry the load,
We will not break though we take a sad road,
Band together and keep our flag flying,
This nation will not be dying,
We have not and will never
Bow to a threat,
Band together and remain unbroken,
Look up at our bond unspoken-
Our flag still waves.
With clarion call,
Shout out to all,
"Our flag still waves!"


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